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mexico toursMexico traditional dances has been existed before the conquest and survived until today, despite the Spanish tried to do away with it. This because the dances had deep roots in the life of the Mexicans who, by the years, have given to this traditions new religious meanings.

Today we are going to write about La Danza de los Diablos, “The Devils Dance”, coming from the State of Oaxaca and representing the cultural legacy of the africans in this land. Since 1442 they were taken as slaves to the mines  of Pachuca, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Morelia and to the plantations of Oaxaca and Guerrero. The dance is composed by 12, 16, 24 up to 36 elements and is a mix of movements like circles of front, circles of backs, movements from behind forwards,  showing the mask, making movements with force, grunting and throwing to the floor. All of the participants  dress more or less the same, with the exception of the “Diablo Mayor”, the dancer interpreting this special role, who has more elegant attire.

Mexico Traditional dances

In Cuajinicuilapa, at beginning of November, dozens of people perform the Devils Dance, but is also used in other special events. The Musical legacy of the Afro-Mexicans people occupies a special place as well as the current interest of the Young people to rescue traditional instrument within the cultural accumulation of the past and present of Oaxaca.

Discover this and many other local traditions, with our Mexico Tours !!



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